Conference Fees


SIS, Cladag, VOC and IFCS members, and Scholars from foreign institutions

Students, PhD and postdoc students


EUR xxx,00

EUR xxx,00

EUR xxx,00

By xx/xx/2025


SIS, Cladag, VOC and IFCS members, and Scholars from foreign institutions

Students, PhD and postdoc students


EUR xxx,00

EUR xxx,00

EUR xxx,00

After xx/xx/2025

Conference fees include:

– attendance at all the conference sessions,

– conference proceedings,

– coffee breaks and lunches,

– Two year subscription to the Advances in Data Analysis and Classification journal (the journal of which CLADAG is co-founder, except for Students)

Receipt of the payment will be provided through email by the SIS Secretariat.

Note that fees paid by participants that are not members of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS) are charged with an additional 22%-VAT tax. To apply to become a SIS member, please read theĀ guidelines.

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